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  • With unease on the federal level and Republicans threatening to dismantle the affordable care act, residents feel unease about the future of healthcare.
  • Michigan has some of the highest prescription drug costs in the nation, with some estimates ranking it fifth highest.
  • By 2025, residents over 65 will outnumber those under 18 for the first time, leading to more need for family care services, accessible or shared housing, increased demands on hospitals, and services to allow residents to age-in-place.
  • Michigan currently has the highest car insurance rates in the nation, with average annual premiums costing $2600, nearly twice the national average. 


  • Support the House and Senate Democrats’ proposed Healthcare Bill of Rights, which would
    • Ensure protections for those with pre-existing conditions
    • Stop the Republican ‘age tax’ which would force seniors to pay up to 5x more than others
    • Prevent staggering rate hikes, protect essential benefits like maternity and preventative care, substance abuse services, preventative care, and emergency services
    • Allow young people to stay on their parents’ plan until they turn 26
  • Support efforts that lead to innovation in healthcare, such as virtual doctors or registered nurse visits, to increase access and decrease cost
  • Establish an independent Consumer Protection Board to protect against unjustified price spikes and hold pharmaceutical companies accountable against price gouging
  • Bring down car insurance rates by
    • Increasing transparency of the Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association
    • Establishing a state fraud authority to address bad actors abusing the system
    • Establishing fee schedules to control medical charges, and
    • Preventing insurance companies from considering non-driving related factors - such as gender, zip code, or credit score - when setting rates

  • Protect patients and medical staff by advocating for mandatory minimum staffing levels in healthcare facilities and against mandatory overtime to increase safety and prevent fatigue